About Us
48 Hours of Non-Stop Creativity
After a decade of championing the creation of some of the most entertaining and intriguing films in North Central Florida. We have decided to up the ante with the creation of the Gainesville 48 Hour Animation Competition!
Competitors have 48 hours to plan, animate, execute, and post an animated short between 30-120 seconds based on a blind topic, line of dialogue, and prop. Animation teams will have 48 hours to create a 30-120 second animation.

The Rules
A. All creative work must be done during the official 48-hour time period. Creative work
• Writing the script
• Design
• Framework
• Editing
Topic research is highly encouraged and not considered creative work.
B. Prior to the official 48-hour period teams may work on the following:
• Organizing crew
• Organizing cast
• Securing equipment and materials
• Scouting and securing locations
C. All animation content must be created during the official 48-hour period.
• No stock animation may be used on the piece. (see section D for exceptions)
• Found or acquired animations are not permitted.
• Still photos can be used but must be shot during the official 48-hour timeframe.
D. All effects and motion graphics must be done and rendered during the official 48-hour time period.
• Layouts for title graphics may be done prior to the event. Title graphics may not be
rendered until the official 48-hour time begins.
• Visual FX footage used for composites and FX are permitted IF the team has official
license to use it.
• For those competing in the 2D/3D competition can generate background scenic imagery with the help of AI.
Sound / Music
All music used must fall into the following categories in order to be used in the participant's animations:
• Original score created specifically for the piece. Music can be scored by someone outside your team and prior to the event. The soundtrack must have appropriate written permissions.
• Music created using royalty free loops and beds.
• Royalty free music with written documentation.
• Purchased sound FX / Music beds
• Copyrighted music with written permission from the artist/publisher. Festival rights are
• Creative Commons with Attribution and documentation.
• AI music sources that are generated by a production team member.
No song parodies will be accepted.
Animations will be judged on the following criteria:
• Storytelling (50%)
• Production Quality (40%)
• Use of prop and line of dialogue (10%)
It is the responsibility of the team to secure appropriate releases for talent, crew, location,
music, etc. These releases must be uploaded with the animation when turned in.
Keep it green! PDFs or scans of the documentation saved on the animation drive are preferred.
Animation Eligibility
Animation eligibility is contingent on the following:
• Animations cannot infringe on copyrights, trademarks or others’ rights.
• Animations must not contain obscene, or pornographic material.
• Must not violate any laws or statutes in the making of the animation.
• Animations cannot invade privacy (hidden cams)
• Animations cannot contain defamatory speech or language about individuals, organizations or companies.
• Must have all releases turned before the end of the official 48-hour time period.
Judgements of inappropriate content or non-compliance will be made by the organizers of the competition and their decision will be final. No refunds will be given for animations deemed inappropriate or missing materials. Parties will be notified of the decision prior to the awards announcement.
Limitations of liability and release:
The organizers of the 48 Hour Animation Competition and the Strong Futures Foundation will assume no liability for data, hardware or equipment loss, malfunction, theft or act of God that an Entrant may occur during the event. Project completion or lack of completion is the responsibility of the Entrant. The event organizers and SFC are not liable for the Entrant's lack of completion. No refunds will be given. By participating in the Gainesville 48 Hour Animation Competition, the Entrant agrees to release, indemnify and hold the organizers harmless from all claims, damages or liabilities arising from or relating to such Entrant's participation in the Competition.
All Entrants grant the organizers the permission to exhibit work in its entirety in any media throughout the Universe in perpetuity. The creator/entrant retains all copyrights of their work.
Participants under the age of 18 MUST have this release signed by a parent or guardian.
The organizers of the competition may amend the rules at any time prior to the official
48-hour competition period.